Saturday, June 26, 2010


Sunkissed heat on skin golden brown- green eyes beneath an orange umbrella- hot pink toes dig in sand and icy blue waves lick the shore methodically. Black bikini leaves little to the imagination winning attention from passers-by. The sky is clear with rolling white clouds and the shadows roll out from under lounges as the afternoon drips away- staying cool with splashes- batting long lashes- nothin sweeter than summertime!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Raindrop fantasies

Back at the beach again revisiting my past- rain drops pelt the nylon of my sanity. Its soothing and stimulating at the same time- I'm finding more often I want you for mine- I'd love to have you under the rain drops on the tent, your body keeping me warm- your touch giving me goose bumps, your stare giving me the daring to move in ways I'm not sure I'm ready for- to be one with our primal nature- to lose what we are coming from and to not care where we go next- to be focused on these two bodies connecting and writhing and wringing pleasure from each and every pore- letting it drip like the sweat of a passion intensely played. Before the knowing gods of the natives that dance to drum beats to cure ills of the demons haunting my mind. This ecstasy I find has been better than any drug- its a high finished on a note so fine that staying with you consumes me like the fire of memory- the chills and shivers- the rough and the tender- the constant surprises that leave me shaky on my feet when we're thru- I want you- simple- true- elegant in its blunt honesty and scary in how easy it falls from my lips- how easy you fit between hips- how easy it is to be ME when I'm with YOU- how badly I find my thoughts straying to thoughts I can't host- thoughts that are hanging firm while most others have deserted- thoughts interrupted....

(Written 6/10/10)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

and then what...

feeling lost and misplaced between two realities and lives- things get complicated in their simplicity and a bitterness seeps thru the voids where fun should be- knowing with my entire being that i'm meant for more but what and when are still mysteries hanging by stars caught on a fisherman's line- alone with you i'm a spectrum of emotions- happy and at peace with the ecstasy I've known- rolling in sheets soft and comforting as your touch- stars twinkle in the night sky outside the window and we are a part of something bigger- there is a loneliness here between us- a shared isolation that keeps us from truly connecting- prejudice and stereotypes are not welcome here but eat at our minds like the zombies at the dollar horror show.  I remember a time when the suffering was bearable and the background noise so low I could actually hear my own thoughts.  i knew myself then- had a definition of being, of attitude, of state of mind- had a clear vision of the world and how it fit me- I've been beat up- left for dead- broken and blue- left hunting in the woods for ME- for the ghost of days gone by in the cells dividing in my skin today- wanting so much- knowing only how to play- hoping tomorrow I can be better than in this moment....

(listening to Deadmau5 Random Album Title )