Monday, March 1, 2010


in this moment i am happy and closer to my deity than i have ever been.  I feel it beating in my heart and soaring thru my spirit- i feel it whispering in the wind against my skin and surrounding my soul in a protective, loving embrace that allows me freedom i've never before felt.  the pieces fall together in an order my mind can't conceive but i am resolved to go with the flow.  i'm in an aqueous transmission and enjoying the rhythm of the waves of emotion that surface on my shore- I'm in a calm that is only equaled by the planets circling their orbits as days pass to months pass to years pass to eons immeasurable- I'm steady and understated in my circumstances and happenstances- I'm  a sunset bursting with passion and sparkling across the water of my past that has molded me and placed me above the horizon to set at dusk allowing me to rise as a new dawn- I'm the breeze in the top of the trees that sings your name- I'm the moment between each breath, the silence between thoughts, the awareness of the empty space in the corner of your mind- I'm Love- the path is not always the path you seek but the path that presents itself beneath your feet- step carefully and go lightly and may you find what you are looking for.

(listening to Incubus, Morning View)

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