Saturday, October 17, 2009

dinosaurs eat apples...

Sirens scream announcing the arrival of trouble.  i hear the monsters giant steps rumble in the background, Godzilla cometh again- get your helmet and consider yourselves warned.  this is the end of the light, the coming of night, the beat kicks in and the dinosaur roars.  tick tick tick-yaum- crunch.  apples are delicious but when the robot can't find his teeth then it leaves to look for something else to eat.  stay away from the peanut butter mother bear warns- it might just rust your gears.  yaum... rock the bass and rock the chomp, this track is full of depth and of mummies wrapped in cloth.  i hear things that lurk and see them in my mind.  it's a monster mash of imagination and rhythm.  it's so potent a stench hangs in the air leaving you wondering if you remembered to wash your hair... could it be?  no, not a chance.  but it really sounds like that.  bubbles in the champagne as the zombies make a toast.  mummy is upset that they get all the attention but then here come the locals- does anyone speak this language?  build a fire and let your toes warm like the cider in my mug.  does anyone have a hug... i'm nervous about this life and could use a friend.  Yaum... crunch.  sidestep, kick and move forward... did she just say my name- jy is here and not going anywhere... this is all just so damn silly.  never thought i'd be here but Claude shows the way and the flashlight shines bright in this eternal darkness behind the speakers. the floor is wide and empty and the god beckons souls to worship.  stand up- step forward- feel the power of the word and let your body respond.  twist and turn and raise your hands in praise.  let the love flow in and then turn to the person next to you and let the love go- smile and dance let the trance take hold and overwhelm.  be brothers in the moment and world peace has a chance.  just dance!  this is the lovely truth behind the mysteries of the world.  we hold the power but we are afraid to wield it- we have the knowledge but act as tho we have forgotten it.  we have the heart but act as tho we do not feel, we know that this is real and yet here we sit pretending that the plastic brings happy and that the neighbor across the street from you ins't as together as they look.  don't diminish and degrade, celebrate and parade.  this life is precious and it's all we know we've got so lets put the hurt away and go out and play- act like kids on the playground and find your inner kind.  share your gum balls and coach your friends in the art of blowing giant bubbles.  this is what will pull us thru, me and you.  her and him... it's all too much to imagine being lost and without.  dance dummy dance.  no one is watching and nobody cares- all we want is for you to add to our energy source that we feed from.  the more that goes in, the more that comes out.  i miss this life and this scene and i miss the tribal trance that leaves you without thought and with nothing but a heart radiating out into the world shouting of one-ness, of whole-ness, of great- ness and LOVE!  this is what the world needs now- the skin of the drum is tight and it matches the beat of my heart... the synth lines have me tripped up on my fingertips wishing i could do more than just hit the floor and do what i do.  we can always do more- so very much more- inspiration hides in deep pockets stretched wide and at the very bottom with the chap stick and gum wrappers you may just find a nugget of divine, a tidbit of taste so potent you are able to run with it, a tiny treasure that only becomes revealed when you are truly ready to accept it.  it hangs heavy even before you are able to find it- the awareness has you, you must succumb- it will grow and suck you inside to the deep divide and there you will be hunched over your knees hoping for the best and trembling like the rest that came before you.  this is the path, there is no map, you must feel your way.  I have faith, in you, in me, in all that is meant to be, just be present and allow it to happen.  don't question and don't fight- just look toward the light while dancing in the dark behind your speaker.

listening to Claude VonStroke

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